
Perfect Match Couple Counseling

5 Ways to Take Advantage of Alone Time in a Relationship

When your partner is out and about without you, do you feel lonely and wonder what to do to fill the time until they return? Actually, this time without your partner is important! A healthy relationship will have moments of alone time for each person. 

Your relationship can go through different stages, and the amount of alone time you have will vary in each stage. But it’s important to recognize that alone time is a natural part of relationships.                                                                                                                       

This time alone can give you the opportunity to round out your life with many meaningful activities that you would miss if you spent all your time with your partner.                            

Consider these activities: 

  1. Meet with friends. You don’t have to spend your alone time in a relationship feeling bored. Psychologists recommend meeting with friends to discuss your life and have fun.
  • With friends outside your relationship, you can discuss topics that you may not be able to talk about with your partner. 
  •  Your friends can be valuable sources of advice and help. 
  • You can do things that your partner doesn’t particularly enjoy, but you and your other friends like. 
  1. Find separate hobbies. It’s healthy to have different hobbies and activities in arelationship. Psychologists share that it can help you nurture your individuality. 
  • You can spend your alone time developing a new skill or exploring a new hobby. 
  • You can learn a new language, try cooking new cuisine or start an art class. These hobbies will keep you busy, but they’ll also provide interactions with new people. 
  • By having separate interests and hobbies, you actually make your relationship stronger. You can teach each other new things or help each other discover different skills. Plus, you’ll always have something new to share with each other! 
  1. Catch up on household tasks.It may not be your favorite activity, but alone time gives you the chance to catch up on chores and other projects around the house. 
  • Have you been putting off painting the bedroom because your partner hates the smell of paint? This type of task and others can be completed on your own during your alone time. 
  • If your partner avoids or hates certain chores, you can do them on your own. 
  1. Explore nature.Reconnecting with nature can help you reduce stress andlighten your mood. However, you don’t have to do it as a couple. 
  • You can use your alone time to go on a hike or visit a local park. 
  • You can even explore nature in your own backyard. Have you tried to identify all of the plants and trees that grow in your backyard? Can you keep track of the animals that live in your neighborhood? 
  • By reconnecting with nature on your own, you’ll be able to pay attention to the small details. 
  1. Relax. You’re not obligated to fill your alone time with dozens of hobbies,chores, or activities. You can spend time simply relaxing if youprefer. Meditate, listen to soothing music, take a hot bath, watch TV, or sleep. 
  • There’s no correct way of using alone time. You have the freedom to use your alone time however you like. 

Take advantage of your time without your partner! It gives you the opportunity to try new things, explore the world on your own, or enjoy some much-needed rest. 

*DISCLAIMER: This is general advice and not directed at any specific situation.


Sue Resnik of Perfect Match Couple Counseling


Susan Resnik is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified SYMBIS Facilitator who specializes in couple counseling. She’s been in the mental health counseling field for 25 years and has won multiple awards on her counseling excellence.

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