Frequently Asked Questions



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Click on “Take The Assessment Today” which will bring you to the Symbis Assessment page where you can complete the sign up form and make your payment.

  • Each person needs to submit the form.

  • The fee is $150 per couple.

  • After you make your payment you will receive the Symbis Assessment via email within 24 hours of your purchase.

No. To ensure accurate results, each of you will need to complete the assessment on your own.

This is optimal. You get better results if you don’t take breaks between questions. However, if you have to take a break and continue later, your progress is saved along the way.

The SYMBIS report is incredibly powerful and robust. For this reason, a certified facilitator is required to help you understand and apply all of the valuable information it contains.

Absolutely. If your relationship is getting serious, it’s never too soon to begin the process of exploring your potential future together.

Sure, the SYMBIS+ Assessment is for married couples at various stages of their relationship.

The SYMBIS assessment will generate a customized report, adding information specific to your circumstances. A section of your report will be dedicated to issues such as second marriages and blending a family

  • No. The book is an option that can create an optimal experience, but it is not required.
  • The SYMBIS book and His & Her workbooks are included in the Couple Counseling Package.
  • As soon as both of you complete the SYMBIS assessment you can schedule your couple counseling session directly on the website. It usually takes between four to six (50 minute) couple counseling sessions to review the results of the assessment.
  • Absolutely. Every aspect of this assessment is grounded in multiple studies to ensure that the tool is both reliable and valid.
  • The Premarital Assessment is Not Covered by Insurance.
  • We would love to hear from you for any reason. The most expedient way to connect is to use our contact page.
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